Broken Souls

He was broken
No matter how hard I tried
My love could not fix him
I watched him deteriorate
His love was pure
Something unexplainable
Something to behold
I stared deep into his eyes
And got a glimpse of his dead soul
It was wrapped in perfection
Sprinkle with gold
The pain was unbearable
I want so badly to soothe his naked soul
I was his peace
He was blind
He could not see
All of the value
The Beauty
And healing
That God had for him
Strategically placed inside of me
As time goes on
I will pray for his soul
That he will let someone love him
So this same story
Won’t have to be retold
-Ariston CM
I believe all encounters happen for reason. We do not know why God allow people to enter our life. I believe that we have an obligation whether it is to bring joy, correction or some type of fulfillment. No meeting of two souls are by coincidence. I do believe that people come into our life for a specific purpose and sometimes we pervert that purpose by our own selfish desires.
I for one am very guilty of this. We fail to take notice of our ever-growing energies within and allow it to control our actions. Sometime this is a good, often times the end result is bad and sometimes very painful. One thing is for certain, if God has given you a specific person with a purpose and it’s not fulfilled; I believe it comes around full circle and we get another chance. This is how many lessons in life work. We make a mistake and we learn from. Sometimes it takes two or three times before we understand. Once we do, we are able to advance to the next level. This is how growth and development takes place.
Disappointment is a part of our journey. It’s a good teaching tool, but we have to be ready to embrace it, learn from it and allow it to shape us. Enjoy your journey from the outside in. It’s making you a better person, you just have to look for the good. May you be enlightened on this day.